Titus Twungubumwe
December 25: Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Christmas); Jesus is born in Bethlehem and honoured by the wise men. (Matthew 2:1-12)
As we approach celebration of the Feast of Nativity of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God and the Saviour the humanity, we are very happy to wish to you good preparations and a Happy Celebration of Christmas and the New Year 2018.
Christmas is a great Feast for all the family and especially for the little children. Our wish for everyone on this Christmas is to strive to be the " greatest in the kingdom of heaven".
Christmas is a great Feast for all the family and especially for the little children. Our wish for everyone on this Christmas is to strive to be the " greatest in the kingdom of heaven".
Jesus tells us today: "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me." (Matthew 18: 3-5)
The worship of the Lord by the Magi is symbolic of the Church, the true Israel, in which membership is determined by faith, not by ethnic lineage. Let us come from all the corners of the world and walk to Bethlehem, guided by the star as the wise men / Magi, to worship the Christ Child, bearing our gifts: gold, for a King; frankincense, for God; and myrrh, for a Man who is to suffer and die for our salvation.
May you enjoy looking at the few pictures of the kids then gathered in the camp we had organized in our Orthodox Communities on Mount Kigali (outskirts of Kigali City) and on Mount Fumbwe - Nyagasambu (East Province).
May God remember each of you and bless you abundantly now and always. Have Peace brought by the Christ Child, Happiness and Prosperity to you and to your dear families.
Reader Timotheos (Tito) TWUNGUBUMWE
Orthodox Church in Rwanda.
Orthodox Church in Rwanda.
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