Orthodox Diocese of Gulu and Eastern Uganda

"Today 04th-12 - 2019, feast of St. Barbara, His Grace Bishop Silvester Kisitu presided over the Holy Mysteries of Baptism and charismation at St. Nectarios Orthodox Community in Akonybedo - Gulu district were over 60 souls joined to the Orthodox Christian Faith. The Bishop was assisted by the Area priests, the Dean Gulu Fr. Francis, the Parish Priest Fr. George whom the Bishop thanked for the good service in the community, and Fr. Benjamin. He also blessed the faithful of this growing Church Community, and cautioned the newly enlightened to be careful and live in faith, love and prayer keeping the garments clean i.e their souls. The Parents, God fathers and God mothers cautioned to lead a Holy and exemplary life to the Children as they raise them in the faith."
Περισσότερα... https://www.facebook.com/orthodoxguluandeastug/?tn-str=k*F

"Today 04th-12 - 2019, feast of St. Barbara, His Grace Bishop Silvester Kisitu presided over the Holy Mysteries of Baptism and charismation at St. Nectarios Orthodox Community in Akonybedo - Gulu district were over 60 souls joined to the Orthodox Christian Faith. The Bishop was assisted by the Area priests, the Dean Gulu Fr. Francis, the Parish Priest Fr. George whom the Bishop thanked for the good service in the community, and Fr. Benjamin. He also blessed the faithful of this growing Church Community, and cautioned the newly enlightened to be careful and live in faith, love and prayer keeping the garments clean i.e their souls. The Parents, God fathers and God mothers cautioned to lead a Holy and exemplary life to the Children as they raise them in the faith."
Περισσότερα... https://www.facebook.com/orthodoxguluandeastug/?tn-str=k*F
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