Δευτέρα 7 Μαρτίου 2022

Κυριακή της Συγχωρήσεως στην Αφρική

 Uganda Orthodox Church - Holy Metropolis of Kampala 

FORGIVENESS SUNDAY: Photo moments from today's Vespers at St Nicholas Cathedral served by Reverend Fathers, Nicholas Bayego, Patrick Kizito and Daniel Kiwanuka. After the evening service which included the reading of a prayer by St. Ephraim the Syrian _ with its prostrations, the special rite of mutual forgiveness was performed. The day's Gospel (Matthew 6:14-21) reminds us that we can neither have genuine repentance nor reconciliation with God unless we are reconciled with each other. The Lenten fast accentuates mutual love.

Holy Liturgy on this Sunday of Forgiveness has been celebrated at Holy Resurrection Cathedral Jinja presided over by His Grace Bishop Neofitos of Nyeri and Mt Kenya. With the blessings of our Bishop Silvester, the Bishop of Nyeri performed the mystery of ordination to the Deaconate of Samuel Kirunda.
The Hierarchies wished the faithful a great lent Period filled with actions of love and humility towards our fellow brothers and sisters.

The Sunday of forgiveness as we have started the journey of great Lent period for preparation of our pasaka the feast of the feasts.I was able by God's grace to celebrate the Devine liturgy with my co celebrant brother Fr Kyriakos Tum the Russian Orthodox Church in Kenya is growing up hear I Nandi Deanary , this humble community Church of Amkiruk welcome the the Russian Orthodox Church with great joy thanks to the contributor of the Land we will start putting up the temporary structure for worshipping God here the Abraham,Aron and Moses were worshipping their Living God in tents we will continue opening new centers as time goes ,we appeal to those people who have requested us to start for them the new areas of worship to be patient will reach your place thank you for your cooperation.God bless you.,and let us joined up together for this fasting of fourth days so we God's resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ

Σήμερα Κυριακή της Τυρινής 6 Μαρτίου 2022 στις 10.00π.μ. στον Ιερό Ναό Άγιου Ανδρέα, στο Kitwe τελεστηκε Αρχιερατική Θεία Λειτουργία ιερουργούντος του Σεβασμιοτάτου Μητροπολίτη Ζάμπιας κ. Ιωάννη.
Μετά το πέρας της Θείας Λειτουργίας τελεστηκε το "Σαρανταήμερο Μνημόσυνο" του
Ακόλουθος έγινε προσευχή υπέρ της ειρήνης στην Ουκρανία.

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