Τετάρτη 17 Οκτωβρίου 2018

"OCMC News - Make a Gift in Support of Orthodox Clergy and Their Families Serving in the Mission Field!"

 Orthodox Christian Mission Center

by Orthodox Christian Mission Center (Posted 10/15/2018)

OCMC News - Make a Gift in Support of Orthodox Clergy and Their Families Serving in the Mission Field!
Your gift in support of Orthodox clergy who are serving places like Kenya can make an enormous difference in their lives, in the lives of their families, and in the lives of the people they serve. Donate to OCMC's Support a Mission Priest (SAMP) program and help these minister to their communities and share the Gospel.
   Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I visit the many countries around the world where the Orthodox Church is trying reach people with the Faith, I am struck by the incredible opportunities and challenges faced by the clergy who are serving as Christ’s ambassadors. I am writing you today on behalf of these ambassadors and to ask that you prayerfully consider supporting them in their work.
I spend time with these priests and their families. I see their pure commitment to the Church’s evangelistic ministries. I also see how much they sacrifice in service to our Lord. Mission priests serve some of the most economically disadvantaged people on our planet. They come from the same villages. They often know as great of a need as the people they serve. Will you serve them?
Your support can make a difference to Orthodox clergy, and their families, in the mission field. As a matter of fact, you can enable their ministry for as little as $600 per year. That’s only $50 per month!

OCMC’s Support a Mission Priest (SAMP) program exists to connect you with these priests in need. Will you please become a SAMP supporter today?

One-time gifts are helpful, but by becoming a regular supporter of an Orthodox mission priest, you can have an impact for years to come. Your regular support will also mean that you will become part of the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Society – a special group of people who have pledged their ongoing commitment to Orthodox missions.

Helping care for mission clergy is the number one request I hear from hierarchs all over the world. They know, as I do, that no one is more capable of sharing the Orthodox Faith than an indigenous priest. They can present Christ in the language and culture of the people they are reaching.
Currently, Orthodox Christians like you are providing much-needed assistance to 376 clergy in 16 countries. More mission priests are needed in the world than ever before, but they can’t serve without your prayers and support. Thank you for being an answer to their prayers, for caring for them and their families, and for making their ministries possible with a gift to the Orthodox Christian Mission Center.

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Martin Ritsi
Executive Director


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