Δευτέρα 26 Αυγούστου 2024

"The OCMC unwavering support for our mission work in Turkana is bearing fruit everyday..."

 Neofitos D Kong'ai 

The OCMC unwavering support for our mission work in Turkana is bearing fruit everyday. The strategy is to have Catechism classes for four days week once a month.Also, at the beginning of every month, we visit the communities to share the word of God with the people and get the catechists teach what they have learned in their Catechism classes. On the other hand,
the drilling of the boreholes through the support of St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church in Florida, has been a great mission of hope and assurance to the Turkanapeople. That the lord they are worshipping is not a dry Jesus, but a WellSpring, an Oasis of hope. He, Christ Himself,is the living water. It's practical here! They can know eat and drink Jesus.
And the Lord is continuing to remind them as he reminded his disciples in today'sgospel; "Do not be afraid, it's I" the storm will calm.
Thank you all for supporting our mission work. Mission saves lives, mission changes lives.


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