Orthodox Christian Mission Center

Your support of OCMC's Theological Training Program helps people like Fr.
Chris Rowe provide continuing education to fellow priests in the mission field.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
There was a time, not too many years ago, when there were more than 10 Orthodox theological institutions to train future priests in the mission field. Today, that number has dwindled to 4. The Church in countries that the Mission Center serves is growing, but it is having to do so with fewer and fewer resources to train the clergy needed to pastorally care for the people coming into the Faith. Your support is needed to help these schools and to train future priests.
Last year, we told about the closing of the Makarios III Seminary in Nairobi, Kenya. Makarios III, for years, had trained clergy from all over Africa at no charge to the students. When it closed, we reached out to you, and you responded. Thanks to your prayerful offerings and God’s grace, the seminary recently re-opened!
Seminaries like Makarios III are vital to training Orthodox priests around the world, but they are just one way to equip clergy for their ministry. Every year, OCMC provides scholarships for online learning. And, most recently, OCMC used theological training funds to send two teams of priests from the United States to Uganda and Kenya to train their brother clergy. Your support of OCMC’s Theological Training Program helps support Orthodox seminaries worldwide, provide scholarships, and bring theological training to the places where it is needed most!
Each of these teams only requires about $3,500 of support. Your gift of $100 or more to cover a portion of the cost to underwrite one of these future teams can have a tremendous impact!
Fr. Chris Rowe, who led the recent clergy training team to Kenya, shares about the impact of the team,
“Our team presented on prayer, confession, canon law, the priestly vocation, working with parish councils, and the priest as a husband and a father. It seemed like the topic that resonated the most with the clergy was our discussion about how the Holy Spirit provides what is lacking and we, as priests, need to be aware of that and trust that our merciful Lord will provide what is needed for the health of His faithful people. The discussions we engaged in with the Kenyan clergy were wonderful on many levels. But at the end of the day, we all learned a lot from each other.”
In Indonesia, Kenya, Albania, Guatemala, and Alaska, more clergy are needed, and current Orthodox priests need continued training. With your support of OCMC’s Theological Training Program, you can help meet both needs.
Thank you in advance for your gift, for your support of Orthodox seminaries, and for getting priests in the mission field the training they need to grow and sustain the Body of Christ!
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Martin Ritsi
Executive Director
PS – Remember, your support can help get an Orthodox priest the continuing education he seeks to better minister to the spiritual and physical needs of his people. It will also bring more clergy to the mission field by supporting seminaries and allowing the Mission Center to give theological students scholarships for online learning.
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