Titus Twungubumwe

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)
With his stay of 3 days in the Orthodox Community of Mount Fumbwe/Nyagasambu: 12th-14th January 2018, Reader Ieronimos Jerome Habimana has had wonderful moments with our young people. He taught them some games, songs, performed together some funny dances for their leisure moments and to awake their creativity skills.
After the young people were considering him as one of their equal, Ieronimos could then teach them some chants and hymns used in the Church during Divine Liturgy or Orthros prayer.
Our Lord Jesus Christ said that only will enter the Kingdom of Heaven those who try to resemble the little Children: Humility, simplicity, obedience, honesty...
The young people are the future of the Church and of the Country, it is their right to benefit from good education, and there is the duty of the adult people.
We wish to our young people a good growth physically and in faith, love for God and His people.
May the blessing of Jesus Child be on all of us!
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