Orthodox Diocese of Gulu and Eastern Uganda

"Today His Grace Bishop Silvestros Kisitu presided over by the Clergy meeting at St.Lavrentios Cathedral to address different issues in regards to the organisation and proper management of the Diocese Mission work. During which, the His Grace formulated the Diocesan Administrative Council where Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Oruk emerged the Vicar for Northern Uganda and Rev. Fr. Chrysostom Kolya as the Vicar for Eastern Uganda and Rev. Fr. Josephate Ojiambo Secretary General. He also appointed Fr. Frumentios Ongaya as the New Dean of Gulu, Fr. David Okwel Dean of Lira. The Bishop also emphasized on the importance of reawakening the Mystery of confession and appointed those who will be the father confessors who included Rev. Fr. John Okello, Rev. Fr.Emmanuel Oruk, Fr. Steven Lunagula & Fr. Chrysostom Koolya. In order to ease adminstration, a new Deanery of Jinja was also created."

"Today His Grace Bishop Silvestros Kisitu presided over by the Clergy meeting at St.Lavrentios Cathedral to address different issues in regards to the organisation and proper management of the Diocese Mission work. During which, the His Grace formulated the Diocesan Administrative Council where Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Oruk emerged the Vicar for Northern Uganda and Rev. Fr. Chrysostom Kolya as the Vicar for Eastern Uganda and Rev. Fr. Josephate Ojiambo Secretary General. He also appointed Fr. Frumentios Ongaya as the New Dean of Gulu, Fr. David Okwel Dean of Lira. The Bishop also emphasized on the importance of reawakening the Mystery of confession and appointed those who will be the father confessors who included Rev. Fr. John Okello, Rev. Fr.Emmanuel Oruk, Fr. Steven Lunagula & Fr. Chrysostom Koolya. In order to ease adminstration, a new Deanery of Jinja was also created."
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