Orthodox Christian Mission Center

Journey to Kenya to share the Faith from August 10th to the 22nd on an Orthodox Mission Team. Offer a camp at the Makarios Children's Home in Nyeri, central Kenya. Share the love of Christ at an Orthodox orphanage which cares for over 150 children. Teach them about the Orthodox faith through lessons, crafts, music and sports, and assist with the daily programs at the Home. For more information, or to apply, visit: http://www.ocmc.org/about/view_team.aspx?TeamId=181

Journey to Kenya to share the Faith from August 10th to the 22nd on an Orthodox Mission Team. Offer a camp at the Makarios Children's Home in Nyeri, central Kenya. Share the love of Christ at an Orthodox orphanage which cares for over 150 children. Teach them about the Orthodox faith through lessons, crafts, music and sports, and assist with the daily programs at the Home. For more information, or to apply, visit: http://www.ocmc.org/about/view_team.aspx?TeamId=181
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