Neofitos Kong'ai

"As we continue practicing social distancing, self quarantine, 7 PM curfew hand washing and all manner of sanitation just but to name a few, let us also not forget that Christ is present and active. Let us keep our eyes set on him as we wade over this storm.
I know we all miss being with our friends and families, we miss our church and church services particularly during this time of Great Lent, we miss the Eucharistic celebration, we miss school, we miss work, we feel deprived etc...but there is one thing that we need to know that; everything is being done for our own good and we need to show an act of responsibility, love, sacrifice, patience and humility knowing that there is one whom we cannot miss, the one who is in dwelling in us, our father in heaven who is full of mercy and compassion.
All these might be difficult to comprehend at this time, but we will come to realize at the fullness of time when he will reveal himself in totality.
The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has given us create insight to this that; “perhaps some of you feel that these drastic measures (that is closing of churches) undermine or harm our faith. However, that which is at stake is not our faith but the faithful, not Christ but the Christians, not the Divine-Man but the human being.”
All these might be difficult to comprehend at this time, but we will come to realize at the fullness of time when he will reveal himself in totality.
The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has given us create insight to this that; “perhaps some of you feel that these drastic measures (that is closing of churches) undermine or harm our faith. However, that which is at stake is not our faith but the faithful, not Christ but the Christians, not the Divine-Man but the human being.”
Metropolitan Alexander of Nigeria my beloved brother in the lord also states; “ we are called to see the suspension of our participation in the liturgies as nothing else but as a pure act of responsibility, love and sacrifice for the safety of the other and the community which we live in. This is something new since we are not living in times of persecution.None of the Orthodox Christians believed or could ever believe and accept that the Holy Eucharist can become a source of transmission of a virus or disease. There inside the chalice is the total Christ, his body and His precious blood.”
I pray that we remain strong in Faith and be courageous with the hope and believe that we shall cross over the desert of despair and arrive in the promised land of hope and joy. We are pinned down but not crushed, We will resurrect again for Christ is fully present and active. Let us remain praying unceasingly."
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