Orthodox Diocese of Gulu and Eastern Uganda

"Today by the grace of God, the Medical Center at St. Lavrentios Orthodox cathedral in Gulu was blessed and reopened by His Grace Bishop Silvester Kisitu. The Bishop thanked God and the friends of the Diocese's mission from Holy Metropolis of Mesogaias Athens, led by Re. Fr. Emmanuel Mbalire who tied their level best to support this project. The people of the area were very happy for this blessing as it happens to be the only medical center in the entire Area. The facility is not fully equipped at the moment but due to the grate need by the community we decided to reopen it and much is required to make it fully functional."
Περισσότερα... https://www.facebook.com/orthodoxguluandeastug

"Today by the grace of God, the Medical Center at St. Lavrentios Orthodox cathedral in Gulu was blessed and reopened by His Grace Bishop Silvester Kisitu. The Bishop thanked God and the friends of the Diocese's mission from Holy Metropolis of Mesogaias Athens, led by Re. Fr. Emmanuel Mbalire who tied their level best to support this project. The people of the area were very happy for this blessing as it happens to be the only medical center in the entire Area. The facility is not fully equipped at the moment but due to the grate need by the community we decided to reopen it and much is required to make it fully functional."
Περισσότερα... https://www.facebook.com/orthodoxguluandeastug
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