Κυριακή 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Divine Liturgy at St. Nectarios and Irene parish in Corner... Kenya

 Bassie Masoha Feldman 

Η εικόνα ίσως περιέχει: ένα ή περισσότερα άτομα και άτομα στέκονται

"The Holy and Divine Liturgy at St. Nectarios and Irene parish in Corner. What a wonderful blessed Sunday with Fr. Nikiforous and his parishoners. Have a Blessed Su day to you all."

Περισσότερα... https://www.facebook.com/bassie.feldman?__tn__=%2CdlC-R-R&eid=ARDlxhBeAxIjtnqG-Dt0pCaT-InxGw8WdU1TNLdt-6TxZlc9w8tAI2RCtdyPoNcnkJyU72Xv1I5QZn6i&hc_ref=ARQDj3EFynl_sWin-lb3yjpBqyziRM9zq-Ur9HuhpMqG1z787XOJnhMhGlfXofspaQ8

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